Start Mile 463, just upstream of Cincinnati Last night I set up the boat for the usual night, but at 12:30 the rain returned. Shower turned into heavy downpour, plus a wind from upstream (opposite the daytime pattern).. The boat could accommodate a light rain, but not this. As lightning flashed I am thundered, I lay in bed thinking about all of the rain coming aboard, and worrying that if I didn’t get up The boat could accommodate a light rain, but not this. As lightning flashed and thundered, I lay in bed thinking about all of the rain coming aboard, and worrying that if I didn’t get up, Water might come over the transom. The bow to stern heavy. I’ve pumped quite a bit while the rain continued to drill down. Back in the cabin, only my feet were damp, from a water might come over the transom. The bow to stern heavy. I’ve pumped quite a bit while the rain continued to drill down. Back in the cabin, only my feet were damp, from a leak above. Eventually the rain slowe...